Steps to connect your IONOS storage to SimpleBackups

How to Connect your IONOS bucket to SimpleBackups

1. Create your IONOS Bucket

  • From the menu choose Storage then select IONOS S3 Object Storage
    • Notion image
  • Click Create Bucket, then choose the region and enter the bucket name then click on Create Bucket
    • Notion image
      Notion image

2. Create your IONOS Credentials/Access Key

In order to grant access to your bucket, we'll need to create an Access Key.

  • Now switch to the other tab Key Management and click on Generate a key
    • Notion image
  • Copy the โ€œAccess keyโ€ and โ€œSecret keyโ€ to somewhere safe.
    • Notion image

3. Connect your Bucket to SimpleBackups

  • Pickย "IONOS"ย as storage provider and fill in the "Connect your storage" form with the information from step 1 and 2.
    • Notion image

You'll have to input :

  • Access Key: Access key described in (step 2)
  • Secret Key: Secret key described in (step 2)
  • Region: Bucket region described in (step 1)
  • Bucket: Bucket name described in (step 1)
  • Give your storage aย nameย (usually we like to use the Bucket name) and click on "Save new storage".
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Last updated on September 13, 2024