Incremental File Backups

Learn how to create Incremental files backup Using SimpleBackups

An incremental backup is a backup method that copies only the changes made since the last backup. This method is used to save time and storage space. In an incremental backup, the first backup is a full backup of all files and folders. Subsequent backups only copy the changes made since the last backup, which can be much faster than copying all files again.

How does SimpleBackups handle incremental file backups?

SimpleBackups creates a full backup file at the beginning of a retention cycle, then it creates a chain of partial subsequent backup files that keeps record of file changes.

Notion image

If we take the image above as an example, the retention is set to 10, as you can see; after a cycle of 10 backups the full backup is re-built.

How to create an incremental files backup

  1. In your SimpleBackups portal’s navigation bar, click on Create, then click on Files Backup.
    1. Notion image
  1. Select your connected server from the dropdown list.
  1. Configure your files backup by enabling Incremental File Backup, and inputting your File Path(s), and your Excluded File Path(s) if you have any, then click on Validate Connection.
    1. Notion image
  1. Name your backup, and set a schedule and retention policy.
    1. Notion image
  1. Select the Storage you want to use to store your backup files, and click on Create Backup
    1. Notion image

How to restore an incremental file backup

Restoring an Incremental Files backup from SimpleBackups can be as easy as copying a single command and running it on your desired server.

  1. Go to your backup’s page, and navigate to the Logs tab.
  1. Choose the desired Point in time backup you’d like to restore, and click on the ℹ️ icon.
    1. Notion image
  1. A popup will appear displaying a summary of this backup job. Navigate to the Restore tab, make sure the Automated restore method is selected, and copy the command.
    1. Notion image
  1. On your desired server, paste this command and prompt will appear asking you for the location of your restore destination, you can leave this blank to restore the files in the current directory.
    1. Notion image
  1. The script will download all of the backup files and extract them to the directory you’ve selected.
    1. Notion image
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Last updated on November 16, 2023