Create a file/server backup

Setting up a website and database backup using SimpleBackups.

Creating a backup for your File system / server on SimpleBackups is a simple process that can be automated to save time and effort.


  • A server (IP Address, Username, Password)
  • Files on the server to backup (Web application, Website or anything important to backup)

Step 1: Obtain the serverā€™s Host/IP Address, username and password.

The process of obtaining a server's IP address, username, and password can vary depending on the provider. Some providers may send this information to your email, while others may require you to log in to your dashboard. In this example weā€™ll be using DigitalOcean, after creating a server (also known as a Droplet or Instance), they will send an email containing the credentials to access the server.

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Step 2: Add your server to SimpleBackups

To access your servers in SimpleBackups, log in to your dashboard and click on your profile picture in the top right corner. A dropdown menu will appear, and from there, select "Servers".

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Click on the "Connect Server" button. This will take you to the "Connect a Server" screen.

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You have three options to connect your server from here:

A. Recommended: Automatic (SSH Key)

This is the easiest method for connecting your server to SimpleBackups. Simply copy the command that appears, connect to your server via SSH, and paste the command into the terminal.

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The command will create an SSH key and connect your server to SimpleBackups.

Once the command has completed successfully, you should see the following message:

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Click the Validate button on SimpleBackups once youā€™ve run the command.

You should be redirected to Your Servers page and see your server listed there.


B. Manual (SSH Key and/or Password)

Connecting to your server via SSH is a relatively straightforward process that requires you to fill in a few crucial details. First, you will need to provide the Host/IP Address, which is the unique identifier for your server. Then, you will need to enter the SSH Port, which is the network port that SSH uses to establish a connection.

After that, you will need to provide the SSH User and Password, which are the credentials that allow you to access your server's command line interface. Finally, you will need to specify the operations directory, which is the location on your server where SimpleBackups will perform the backup operations.

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Once you have entered these details, click on validate, and SimpleBackups will attempt to establish an SSH connection to your server. If successful, you will be able to create a backup of your server's files and folders with ease.


C. Tunnel / Bastion Host (useful for private databases)

Enter the Host/IP address, SSH Port, user, and password to connect to your Bastion host.

Then click on the Validate button, SimpleBackups will attempt to establish an SSH connection to your server. If successful, you will be able to create a backup.

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If you plan on using a bastion host with serverless database backups, ensure you add SimpleBackups' public key to your bastion host/server'sĀ authorized_keys

Are you behind a firewall? To allow SimpleBackups to schedule your backups, make sure to white-list its IP addresses if you have a firewall. You can refer to our support article for instructions.

Step 3: Creating a File Backup

To create a backup of your file, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "BACKUPS" option in the top section of your screen.
  1. Click on "Create Backup".
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Choose the type of backup you want to create. In our case, it's "Files & Folders". Select the server we've connected.

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Enter the file path you want to backup.

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Click on "Validate". Once validated, give your backup job a name, schedule and retention.

Select the storage option you want and click on "Create Backup".

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Finally, you can run your backup by clicking "Run Now".

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Once the backup has run successfully, you will see the logs and be able to download them.

If you are having any problems, we are a few clicks away. Let us know if you need any help.

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Last updated on August 6, 2021