
Knack backup guides (Retrieving credentials, and backup restore guide)

Read our detailed guide on how to set up your Knack Backup.


Creating your Knack Credentials

SimpleBackups will connect to your Knack database using your API credentials.

  • Click on “Settings”
    • Notion image
  • From the Settings side menu, Click on API & Code
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  • Copy your Application Key and API Key.
    • Notion image
  • Paste your credentials in your Knack Backup Recipe inputs.
    • Notion image

Restoring Your Knack backups

Restoring your knack backup is as easy as drag and dropping the CSV files into your knack table.

To get started, find the point in time log that you wish to restore to, and clicking on the ℹ️ button.

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A popup will appear that displays the backup summary, please locate the Backup Archive link and click on it to begin downloading your backup.

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Once the backup archive has been downloaded, please locate the archive in your download location and open it.

You’ll find a one CSV file or more depending on how many tables you have, navigate to your knack account, select the table you wish to restore and click on the upload button.

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Then, Drag and drop the corrosponding csv file from your backup archive into the dropdown box.

Follow the import wizard and select the options that suits your data recovery strategy best.

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If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support channels.

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Last updated on July 15, 2024