FAQ on Storage Backup

Can I back up a whole S3 bucket or another cloud storage?

It depends on the kind of backup you are looking for.

When it comes to backing up an S3 bucket, you should use "Storage Replication", which allows you to synchronize your bucket to another one (cross-provider).

This means that all your buckets will be mirrored, to another bucket on schedule.

This is not considered a "backup" in the sense that we don't store any archives, instead, it's a 1-to-1 copy of your bucket at a given time.

Note: The whole bucket can be synced if you use / as the source storage path.

How can I validate that my files have proper integrity?

By default, SimpleBackups will check each file’s integrity on transfer, If the checksums do do not match you'll get a corrupted on transfer error.

Note: You can disable checksum from the Advanced Tab in the backup if you’re facing this error, however you should only use this option if you’re sure you want to ignore the integrity checks of the files.
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Last updated on May 6, 2024