
How to create and retrieve your Gitlab tokens

Creating your Gitlab tokens.

Go to the Application / Manage Token page

  • Once you are logged in,
  • navigate to your user settings by clicking on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the left navigation panel. From there, select “Edit Profile”
    • Notion image
  • In the left-hand menu, click on "Access Tokens".

→ This will take you to the Access Tokens page.


Create a new token

  • On the Access Tokens page, click on the "Add New Token" button. This will open a new window where you can configure your new access token.
    • Notion image
  • In the "Token Name" field, enter a descriptive name for your token. This will help you identify it later.
  • Once you have configured your access token, click on the "Create personal access token" button to create it.

Copy your token

After you click the "Create personal access token" button, gitlab will generate a new access token for you. This token will be displayed on the screen.

Notion image

Copy your access token and store it in a safe place. You will not be able to retrieve it later.

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